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Keith Treacy


My introduction to Yoga came in 1997 after I had a back injury related to weight training. I lifted weights for many years with the sole objective of building strength. Yoga was recommended to me to help me to create a balance between strength and mobility in my body. Based on this advice, I devised a self-practice at home learning from books which I found in second hand stores and so the journey began.
After some time the home practice which I cultivated whet my appetite to learn more and so I started to attend classes. I practiced with many teachers, I stumbled upon the fun and dynamic classes of Tony Purcell. By 2003 I decided to quit my job and study yoga in Mysore, under the guidance of BNS Iyengar.

After six months in India, I came to the conclusion that a regimented approach to yoga was no longer for me. It became apparent to me that a more diverse approach to Asana practice could activate stretch receptors in different ways and ultimately enhance mobility.

The first teacher training course which I attended was a two year course with Yoga Therapy Ireland, there was a strong emphasis on safe practice and understanding the anatomy of movement. In the years after my training, my hunger to broaden my knowledge inspired me to learn from many teachers and explore a variety of styles. This brought me to some truly inspiring teachers such as James Higgins, Jodie Rufty, Veronica Larrson, Ciara Cronin, Jim Bennitt and David Swenson.

In 2014 I completed a 300hr teacher training course facilitated by the Yoga Room, this training gave me huge insight into practices and approaches to sequencing which have transformed how I practice.

Recently I have initiated training in the Para Yoga lineage of Rod Stryker. This direction in my training has been inspired by training modules which I attended at Tejas Yoga in Chicago, led by Jim Bennitt and James Tennant.

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How My Journey Began...

Back Story

Looking back to my late 20’s, after I graduated from college and started working in corporate environments it didn’t take long for me to come to the realization that there had to be more to life than this. It started with reading a variety of spiritual books which inspired a practice of simple breath work and visualization techniques.
Over time it became apparent that much of what I was practicing were effectively yoga practices, without the asana. I tried out tai chi classes but I just couldn’t connect with that practice, however the co-ordination of breath and movement left me intrigued.

Once I had established a steady practice, I began to notice the change in how I responded to the situations which life brings. I realized the challenging nature of the asana, the sense of expansion brought about by the breathing practices was bringing an overall improvement in my self-confidence.

My practice has evolved, moving from years of rigid sequences into more creative practices. The learning progression hasn’t been linear – there have been ebbs and flows, the ebbs have been where I learned the most. Currently my focus is to create a balanced practice incorporating breath, bandhas and mudras into the asana flow.

I am humbled to have had the opportunity to learn from some amazing teachers over the years, they have inspired what I teach today.